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An Insight Into Cybersecurity Trends 2024

The cybersecurity landscape is emerging as a competitive battlefield where cybercriminals and security experts struggle to defeat each other. In 2023, data breaches surged by 72% compared to 2021, establishing a new record and leading to an average worldwide breach cost of $4.88 million in 2024. As cyberattacks evolve, security leaders adopt innovative practices, strengthen technical capabilities, and reform security programs to enhance organizational resilience. This article will share expert insights on emerging cybersecurity trends in 2024.

In 2023, data breaches surged by 72% compared to 2021, establishing a new record and leading to an average worldwide breach cost of $4.88 million in the year 2024.

Cybersecurity Trends 2024

Explore the biggest trends of cybersecurity that will guide your organizational strategies to strengthen security shields.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI technology is strengthening cybersecurity across different sectors, however, it has also enabled cybercriminals to plan targeted attacks to dodge security protocols. Cybersecurity professionals are harnessing the power of AI and machine learning to develop new security systems and advance the existing ones. It will help gain better control over cyber threats.

Smart Devices

Cyberattack statistics show that the increased use of smart devices has surged the likelihood of cyberattacks. Today, there are more than 7.2 million smartphones worldwide. Smart devices are not limited to communication purposes, instead, it is used for financial transactions also. So, it is a breeding ground for cybercriminals, increasing the risk of potential breaches.

Data Breaches

Facts show that phishing attacks cause significant damage to individuals and organizations globally – an emerging concern. Hackers misuse sensitive information and damage personal and organizational reputations. Hence, ensuring compliance with the security regulations and adopting proactive security measures help minimize data breach risks.

Cloud Security

Organizations across the globe rely on cloud services, necessitating the adoption of strong security measures for data storage and operations. Leading cloud service providers implement the best security protocols, however, the system is still vulnerable to attacks. It might be due to malicious software, user-end errors, or phishing attacks. IBM data breach figures indicate an average cost of USD 4.35 million per breach, leading 51% of worldwide firms to increase their investment in cloud security. Therefore, continual monitoring and regular software updates can help mitigate the risk and secure confidential data.

Wireless Communication Technology

Today, modern vehicles are equipped with wireless communication technology and innovative features. The increased dependence on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cruise control, and driver assistance systems has elevated cyberattack risks. Smart hackers can gain control of the vehicle or spy on private conversations.

IoT Security

The launch of 5G networks and IoT is defining the new era of communication- paving the way to uninterrupted connectivity. On the other hand, it has increased the susceptibility to external threats and viruses. The best approach is to develop strong hardware and update software solutions to minimize network attacks.

The Getaway

Considering the current and upcoming cybersecurity trends 2025, experts are working to devise computer security trends and solutions to revolutionize cybersecurity. Expert recommendations include adopting Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) for sensitive data protection and transitioning to cryptographic algorithms for continual security of data and communication mediums. Adopting strong security measures in the supply chain will effectively mitigate risk, and increased use of multi-modal biometric authentication will offer better security. Organizations should adopt strict data protection measures to ensure compliance with global data protection regulations. Embracing user-centric security protocols will reduce the likelihood of social engineering attacks. Moreover, organizations must adopt effective identity and access management (IAM) policies to monitor and gain access to sensitive information and private networks. Real-time data monitoring will help in the early detection of potential threats and moderate their impacts.

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